
NO SCHOOL February 8  Snow day assignments will be given by each teacher.  Be safe and enjoy the day off. 


We service preschool to 8th grade.

Currently, there are openings in all our classrooms for the 2024-2025 school year. Contact us for information on your child joining our school.              

Teacher emails:

Jeanne Goodhew goodje@miltonstateline.org

Shaun Bush bushsh@miltonstateline.org

Crystal Oltman oltmcr@miltonstateline.org

Shannon Whidden whidsh@miltonstateline.org 

Kristie Biggerstaff biggkr@miltonstateline.org


Our staff are committed to providing quality education in a Christ-filled environment.

We invite you to discover our school. Call us to schedule a visit, or explore online. To see what is happening at our school you can check our calendar, news, visit our classrooms, or see what our alumni are doing.

Our school is part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist school network. The Seventh-day Adventist educational system includes elementary and high schools, colleges, and universities in countries around the globe.

Interested in applying for enrollment?

Please take a moment to answer a few questions and we will contact you. Click here.