Donate to Friends of MSAS

The School Board has been looking ahead to the operational needs of MSAS during the next few years and as we consider these challenging economic times, we are strongly impressed with the necessity of securing monetary support for MSAS.  Friends of MSAS donate and/or pledge support to help meet some of the operational needs of MSAS. While some members may choose to remain anonymous, membership will be acknowledged. The Friends of MSAS is open to any individuals, families, groups, or businesses. Our goal is to raise enough funds to meet the following needs:

Tuition Assistance—yearly goal ($50,000+)

The last few years we have been blessed with generous donations for tuition assistance.  Some of the funding programs, the Ed Hunt Scholarship for one, were available for a limited time. Because some funding sources are no longer available, we are being proactive in establishing other avenues that will continue to provide necessary monies for families in need of tuition assistance.


The Walk-a-Thon raises monies for special projects that will benefit all students. In the past, the money has been used for student financial aid and to purchase playground equipment, desks, computer upgrades, musical instruments, a rock climbing wall, and much more. 

As you consider what you are able to give, please make this a matter of prayer. Donations can be one-time gifts or monthly gifts or  they can be pledges.  We know the Lord will multiply our gifts like the loaves and fishes as we press together to grow these kids to love and follow Jesus.  Thank you for your support and continued prayers. May the Lord bless you and keep you.                               

If you have any questions, please contact us

To donate, you may use either the Pay Pal donate button below or the QR code.